Patrick Ashinze is an Ibo-Yoruba hybrid. He trained as a medical doctor and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Medicine from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria, where he won the Inaugural Students Union Poetry Prize in 2019 as an undergraduate.

Pat writes prose, poetry, and everything you can think of except journalistic articles. His works have appeared and are forthcoming in Eunoia review, Corvus review, TERSE. Journal, Chicago Lit, KAIROS Literary Magazine, Kalahari Review, vox poetica etc. He was a finalist for the 2021 Stephen A. DiBiase Poetry Prize. He was also a finalist for the 2021 World NTD Day Storytelling Competition. He won the 2021 Wingless Dreamer Midnight Poetry Contest.

Pat is a UN Millennium fellow, a BookPecker fellow, A Commonwealth alumnus, and a World Literacy Ambassador.

He is preferably a strategic and servant leader.

He’s been remembered by merit into several leadership societies and humanitarian bodies i.e. The Internet Society, RDS, YALI, Acumen, ONE,, YouthConnectAfrica, etc.

Pat has served, led, and excelled appreciably on several frontiers of respectable extracurricular endeavours. He’s coordinated a lot of clinical outreaches, strategized health campaigns, and participated and volunteered in enforcing reforms within physical and virtual communities.

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