Mateenah Naa Djama Odoi is a student and advocate from Accra, Ghana. She is passionate about helping young people and their communities and is an advocate for mental health, HIV, youth, women’s rights, and sexual and reproductive health and rights. She is known to be high-energy, friendly, approachable and to brighten any mood with humor.

As an experienced facilitator, Mateenah loves sharing ideas, listening to people’s stories, and learning from others’ experiences. She has an open mind and an open heart and is always excited to learn something new.

Mateenah started volunteering in 2011 when she was brought to ActionAid as a rape and teenage pregnancy victim to advise young women on some of their projects.

 Today, Mateenah uses her social media and face-to-face meetings to engage and empower other young people especially women through conversations and advocacy.

In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, cooking, watching obscure documentaries and any form of creative expression.

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