My name is Leelah Jergbou Clarke, a 23 years old boy that was born and raised in the slums of Liberia. I am the founder and CEO of LEO Nutrition- a nutritional brand in Liberia that seeks to address the menace of malnutrition in children under the age of 5.

In 2019, I graduated from the Adventist University of West Africa with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Public Health. I am an Entrepreneur, an Agripreneur, an Advocate, and a Poet. I’m passionate about driving development through innovation and an equitable society where peace, stability, and gender balance are prioritized.

A simple ideology; “One Man Can Change the World” is where I draw my inspiration from. As a torchbearer, I dared to be different, to shine my light in dark places and break boundaries. In my free time, I enjoy playing sports, listening to music, and exploring arts.

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