Fathiaya Nzhelayim Zakari

Fathiaya Nzhelayim Zakari is a final-year student at the Tamale campus of the University for Development Studies, pursuing a doctorate in medical laboratory science. She was born in Tamale, Ghana’s northernmost city. Community development and youth advocacy are two things Fathiaya is enthusiastic about.

To contribute to community and youth development, she earned volunteer experience through youth activities and organizations and aspired to leadership positions as part of her volunteer path in order to obtain a platform to affect positive change.

Fathiaya was the vice president for Medical Laboratory Science Students’ Associations for the 2019/2020 academic year, the director for communications for local NUGS UDS for the 2020/2021 academic year, the public relations officer, and now the current vice president for Northern Regional Youth Network (NRYN), the current public relation officer for National Networks of Youth Group (NNYOG), and she has been a volunteer in YEFL-Ghana for the past year alongside studies.

Ms. Fathiaya is a good team player, industrious, and time conscious with exceptional facilitation skills, solid communication skills, and a competent team worker. Hanging out with friends, watching movies, reading a book, and surfing the internet are some of her favorite pastimes.

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