Emmanuel ONWE is a Nigerian biomedical scientist and a trained Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) specialist with extensive knowledge and experience in the implementation of youth and adolescent-friendly sexual health and human rights programming for young key populations, especially sexual and gender minority groups.

As a firm believer in diversity, equality and inclusion, Emmanuel is dedicated to the advancement of human rights and dignity of LGBTIQ+ Nigerians through strategic advocacy, lobbying and active engagement of policy makers. They hope to use their understanding of international human rights mechanisms and youth engagement to open and broaden justice and leadership channels for LGBTIQ+ youths and empowering them to take up spaces and advocate for their human rights.

Emmanuel holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Laboratory Science from Ebonyi State University, Nigeria. They are currently working with Center for Health Education and Vulnerable Support (CHEVS) as a Program officer where they are leading advocacies and projects that addresses gaps and issues around SRHR and economic empowerment of marginalized communities. They are also working as a #GenEndIt Youth Ambassador with Restless Development and Stop AIDS UK where they are leading advocacy for the decriminalization of HIV and people living with HIV, addressing stigma, discrimination, and legal support issues, as well as championing advocacy on HIV treatment-as-prevention, test-and-treat, pre-exposure prophylaxis, and equal HIV treatment access.

Emmanuel is an avid reader who also enjoys traveling, visiting restaurants, and trying new foods in their spare time.

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